What We Do
A message from the President, Michael Pearl.
WELCOME TO PRO MUSICA: A message from the President, Michael Pearl
Last season, against all the odds, we staged a full roster of concerts without a cancellation, and there were many memorable evenings of wonderful music making; indeed, several people told me it was our best season ever. I am confident that this season also will be very special, not only for the quality of the artists, but because many of you who did not attend concerts last season, or did not come to San Miguel, will return in the coming twelve months.
We staged a summer season of three concerts in July and August, 2022, and we hope this will become a permanent feature. The main season runs from October to March, as usual, and we have a cornucopia of talent with a mixture of familiar artists and new faces. We welcome back Grammy award winning cellist Zuill Bailey, the Atlanta Chamber Players with our first Mostly Mozart concert, and incredible violinist Stefan Milenkovich. Artists making their San Miguel debut include flautist Adam Sadberry, one of the world's greatest up and coming young pianists, Dominic Cheli, and Cuban-American cellist, Gabriel Martins. One of many highlights will be our evening showcasing the life and music of Leonard Bernstein, narrated by his daughter Jamie - a huge hit in New York City. After the success of our Donizetti operas in 2019 and 2021 we turn to Mozart for his comic opera, Cosi Fan Tutte, in February. The season will include two concerts by the 50 strong Pro Musica Youth Orchestra under its new charismatic Music Director, Canadian Robert Mari. Our much loved annual Garden Concert sees the return by popular demand of Broadways stars Terry Barber and Grace Field after their triumph last season, with a new program of songs from Broadway musicals and the American Song Book.
One of the keys to creating great music is having a wonderful instrument. There will be few of you who do not know of the world's most famous violin maker, Antonio Stradivari, who was active in Cremona in the 18th century. There were many other makers equally as good in Italy in the 17th and 18th centuries and we are lucky that so many of these masterpieces of craftsmanship survive today. I try to engage artists who play these great instruments and you will see them mentioned in our detailed calendar. Look out for one of the earliest instruments ever played in San Miguel, Gabriel Martins' Francisco Ruggiero cello made in Cremona in 1690 and it's near relative in time, Zuill Bailey's 1693 Matteo Gofriller cello. Also, don't miss the violins of Laurence Kayaleh, a 1742 Giuseppe Guarneri, and Stefan Milenkovich's 1783 Giovanni Guadagnini.
Pro Music survived the worst of the pandemic in good financial shape thanks to the continuing generosity of our Patron Members' membership contributions. For those of you who are not yet members, the best way you can support our concerts, our Education Outreach Programs, including the Youth Orchestra, and the bi-annual Young Mexican Musician competition, is to join now. Full details of donation levels and benefits are in this brochure.
I very much look forward to welcoming you at our concerts and other events.
Michael Pearl, President, Pro Musica.